
eCommerce digital solution has grown faster than all other areas of the economy in the last couple of years.

  • During the pandemic, millions of consumers have created new behaviors, including shopping online. In addition, online purchases are easy done from the safety of one’s home. Moreover, it appears that the pandemic shift in eCommerce will be permanent. The Covid-19 Pandemic has accelerated eCommerce to levels that weren’t expected until 2025. As a result, experts predict that eCommerce sales will approach a trillion dollars in 2021.

So what are we saying? If you have products that you could sell online, you should consider selling them that way. Perhaps, you are already using eCommerce for your product sales.

If so, ask yourself these questions:

Are you getting your product in front of the right audience with goo ads at the right time?

Placing advertising in front of intended customers to purchase your product is critical. After discussing common traits of your customer – their likes and behaviors – we can make sure your products are in front of those likely to buy. We are equally cognitive of the specific geographic areas in which your customers likely live and work. If you aren’t pushing ads into geographic regions, your chances of making sales reduces. Just as important, JAC will plug conversions, such as online purchases, into your eCommerce campaign so that we can measure its success. We can gauge its success and adjust the digital ads by performing. As a result, we can optimize the campaign for the best performance. Additionally, we can report the purchases attributed to the campaign. But first, you must have online websites or landing pages that can encourage a user to take action.  These are some of the questions we ask our clients when creating a successful eCommerce program:

Are you using the latest technology to track your progress?

JAC Advertising Consultants stresses the importance of Return on Investment (ROI) reports for your specific digital campaigns. Our reports specifically tie purchases from intended audience members and your advertising campaign. You can see a direct dollar amount linked to the campaign. Why is this so important? Because you can see the effectiveness of your marketing.

Do your landing pages convert, and is your call to action engaging?  eCommerce online pages must be engaging and have a specific call to action. Equally, a digital advertisement must be attractive and contain a call to action. When a person lands on your ad and drives them to your landing page (a website or other digital page created for the ad), you must ensure that it promotes action. Your website should be easily navigable and provide a message that will compel a user to engage. If you find you need more work in this area, JAC will be happy to assist.

Here are some of the benefits of eCommerce:

  • Quick set up
  • Lower cost compared to non eCommerce
  • Shoppers start the shopping process online before going to a store
  • Reach new customers while they’re surfing the web
  • The content you add online helps people find you
  • Customers are allowed to buy at their convenience.

As the internet continues to evolve and become more popular, it allows you to target in ways not possible a few years ago. Virtually all businesses could benefit from eCommerce. Creating a virtual storefront means that you can reach potential customers and expand business operations. It is difficult for a business to grow without a robust online presence which is the essence of eCommerce. Many small and large companies have leveraged eCommerce to maximize sales by listing their inventory online. While surfing the web, consumers can review them and make inquiries as well as place an order with the ease of keystroke.

Are you ready to try eCommerce advertising? JAC Advertising Consultants can help you strategize and build a campaign to grow your product sales. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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