Contrary to what some might say, targeted ads on your television aren’t black magic- and they aren’t voodoo either. JAC provides the right services to handle your digital marketing mission with ease. We make it simple.
Imagine yourself running a campaign to represent your local county in Michigan. It wouldn’t be beneficial for the citizens of Milwaukee to see your advertisement! In this instance, targeted ads will engage your local area, and provide excellent results at much greater and efficient lengths.
One way we do this is by setting a geological proximity on your advertisements so that your target audience will be reached properly, and cost-effectively.
We can also target who will see your ads so that you are communicating to the right demographic. Something tells me that a seven-year-old watching the Disney Channel won’t be any help towards your campaign, but his or her parents watching Fox might be the exact audience that you desire.
One other way we will increase aRen4on in your community is through local SEO. Google searches run through an algorithm that dictates which websites pop up before other websites. Our webmasters and SEO specialists will help boost your websites’ spot in the ranks on Google so you can get the clicks you deserve. Don’t have a website? Don’t worry- that’s a service we provide.
We are a full-service digital agency, meaning we create the ads, run them, and deliver the results. We do everything in between the lines as well. No project of ours is one-size-fits-all. We tailor to your specific needs to create a top-notch campaign. Just reach out to us and let’s get to work!