Google My Business Page: Photos Lead to Sales

There are some simple ways to boost your presence online that are free. Yes, free! Google My Business page does not cost a cent and is necessary to be a relevant establishment. We constantly tell our clients about the importance of being active on their Google My Business page (GMB).


Google My Business is vital to any company. It acts like Yellow Pages on steroids because you can showcase your goods and services, unlike the olden days’ black and white printed book with names, addresses, and phone numbers only. GMB allows you to upload a logo, list address, and click to call your phone. You have the ability to upload photos and create posts that can offer discounts or give your prospects updates. Probably the most crucial aspect of your GMB is the ability to display pictures.


We are a visual society. We love pictures. This phenomenon is why we see digital apps like Snapchat so popular. It shows what people are experiencing via photographs – allowing others to get to know them better. Similarly, seeing images on a My Google Business page that provides products or services of interest is an asset. Photos give customers searching for relevant companies a glimpse of your entire business – its employees, products or services, building, and personality. People tend to focus and engage with companies that display photos on GMB.


There’s a correlation between more photos and increased customer action. Uploading more pictures onto your Google My Business page can get you more business. One study suggests that companies with more than 100 images get 520% more calls than average. If you have just one pic on there? Well, then you will get 71% fewer customers than those with more pics. Similarly, more photos on your Google My Business page can get more clients asking for directions to your business.

The study also showed GMB pages with 100 or more photos had 2,717% more direction requests than those with just one. If you have only one photo upload, you will get 75% fewer direction requests than those with more. The bottom line: More pictures offer the propensity to attract customers. It will help you get noticed.

Businesses with more photos on their GMB page appear more often in Google discovery searches. Discovery searches increase your chance to be found if you have more than 100 photos on your GMB page. Those with 100 or more images had 1,065% more website traffic than average businesses. Just one picture yields 65% fewer website visits. These statistics indicate that more photos on GMB increase local SEO, and it’s all no cost to you.

Creating a free Google My Business page is essential in today’s day and age. Once created, an owner should update it regularly. It’s such a simple process – so get busy taking pictures and showcasing them on your page. Your prospective customers will love them!

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